Arizona Whippet Association - 4th Independent Specialty
Thursday, March 4, 2010, Scottsdale, Arizona
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Sweepstakes Judge: Kelly Riney
Best In Sweeps - Windborn Oxford New Moon At Krisdan (Ch. Starlines Sovereign - Ch. Oxford Windborn Bold N Beautiful) Best Opposite In Sweeps - Elidas Dream Girl ( DC Elidas A Dream Come True - Andauer Tokyo Drift)
Specialty Judge: Mrs. Iva Kimmelman
22 dogs, 4 points 6-9 1. Windborn Oxford New Moon At Krisdan (Ch. Starlines Sovereign - Ch. Oxford Windborn Bold N Beautiful) 2. Taliesen Sir Prize Endeavor (Taliesen Moonstruck - Endeavor's Spellbound At Taliesen) 2. Chez D Botella (Chelsea Sahara - Elain-wards Blu By U of Bettryet) 9-12 1. De Kotans Sunday Sermon (Ch. Parfaits Tall Dark And Handsome - Ch. Kimera Under the Mayan Sun) 2. Summit Ironwood Blaine (Ch. Chelsea Chalcedony - Ch. Summit All That Glitters) 3. Summite Ironwood Everett (Ch. Chelsea Chalcedony - Ch. Summit All That Glitters) 4. Criswills Dream Maker (Adagio Jilzan Mr. President SC - Adagio Jilzan Spirit On Mars) Bred By Exhibitor 1. Timberline Can't Stand The Weather (Ch. Summit Tophat And Tails - Ch. Summit Girl's Best Friend) 2. Summit And The Beat Goes On (Ch. Ableaim Barchet Kurt Russell - Whipmark's Catch Me If U Can) 3. Adagio Jilzan Mr. President SC (Ch. Adagio Jilzan Han Solo - Ch. Rushing Wind de Sud) 4. Taliesen Moonstruck (Ch. Brushwood Prime Time Endeavor - Taliesen English Muffin) Open 1. Wildfires Sonoran Sun (Ch. Wildfires Talisman - Wildfires Sonoran Lace) 2. Cloudnine Ye Wanna Bet of Timberline (Ch. Chelsea Chalcedony - Ch. Cloud Nine Kiss This!) 3. Bright Sky True Heart (Ch. Andauer Am I Gonna Be A Star - Kokopelli's Cherokee Charm OA, OAJ) 4. Adagio Jilzan Wolfwalker SC (Ch. Alcyon Law And Order - Ch. Adagio Jilzan Sunflower) WD - Wildfires Sonoran Sun RWD - De Kotans Sunday Sermon 41 bitches, 5 points 6-9 1. Elidas Dream Girl ( DC Elidas A Dream Come True - Andauer Tokyo Drift) 2. Taliesen Social Butterfly (Taliesen Moonstruck - Endeavor's Spellbound At Taliesen) 9-12 1. Sonsteby's Sail To The Front (Sonsteby's Wild Blue Yonder - Sonsteby's Edible Petals) 2. Summit Bare Essence (Ch. Camelot's Nerves of Steel - DC Summit Scantily Clad SC) 3. Criswills Sweet Dreams (Adagio Jilzan Mr. President SC - Adagio Jilzan Spirit On Mars) 4. Pinewood Early Edition (Ch. Silver Hill Sunset Limited - Ch. Pinewoods Diamonds Are Forever) 12-18 1. Memphis Barchetta of Nysa Hill (Ch. Maverick Griffin of Bohem - Ch. Brushwood Timeless Epic) 2. Winway Phoebe Couture (Ch. Sporting Fields Rock On JC - Ch. Winway Sporting Malibu Barbie) 3. Oxford Sunbeam It Happened One Night (Ch. Starlines Sovereign - Ch. Oxford Tobell Whats In It For Me) 4. Waypoint Dominica (Ch. Starlines Sovereign - Ch. Wildaspens Mesmerize Me) BBE 1. Oxford Sunbeam Sleepless In Seattle (Ch. Starlines Sovereign - Ch. Oxford Tobell Whats In It For Me) 2. Elidas Elegant Affair (Elidas Coconut Macaroon - Ch. Elidas Wheatland Chardonnay) 3. Adagio Jilzan Sunday Cowgirl (Ch. Winsmoor Maverick Cowboy Up! - Ch. Adagio Jilzan Never On Sunday SC) 4. Summit Uptown Girl At Corliza (Ch. Summit Wildoats Fine And Dandy - Ch. Arwen's Main Event At Summit) American Bred 1. Kokopelli Dancing In The Dark (Ch. Kokopelli Kreates Havok - Ch. Delacreme Kokopelli Visage) 2. Cloud Nine Sweet Temptation (Ch. Tru-Luv Windborn Where Eagles Fly - Ch. Cloud Nine Silver Charm SC) 3. Sujo's Amarilla Rosa (Ch. Oxford's Reflections and Dreams - Adagio Jilzan Spirit On Mars) Open 1. Elidas Accidental Incident (Elidas Coconut Macaroon - Ch. Elidas Wheatland Chardonnay) 2. Oakcrest Lenora White (Ch. Wildfire's Special Effects - Ch. Wildfires Desert Star) 3. Elain-Ward's Clairvoyant (Ch. Tru-Luv A Star Is Windborn At Festiva - Elain-Ward's Some Like It Hot) 4. Cloud Nine Ain't Nobody's Fool (Ch. Cloud Nind Just Josh'N Redglen - Ch. Cloud Nine Silver Charm SC WB - Oxford Sunbeam Sleepless In Seattle RWB - Elidas Accidental Incident Veteran Dog 7-10 yrs. 1. Ch. Wildfire's Scouts Honor (Ch. Sporting Fields Tori At Fermanagh SC - Wildfire's Copy Cat) 2. Ch. Fantasias Zero To Sixty JC (Ch. Starlines Reign On JC - Ch. Fantasias Nitrous Oxide) 3. Ch. Wildfires Sudden Impulse (Ch. Sporting Fields Tori At Fermanagh SC - Wildfire's Copy Cat) Veteran Bitch 7-10 yrs. 1. Ch. Cloud Nine Silver Charm SC (DC Chelsea Made You Look of Sage SC - Ch. Coppercreek Smwd Maybe Baby) 2. FC Grovenor's On the Mark SC (Ch. Wildfire's Tradewinds - Grovenor's On Target) 3. Ch. Elain-Ward's I Luv the Nytelife JC (Ch. Alcyon Runamok Nautilus - Ch. Elain-wards Ruby O Martigra) Specials - 6D, 5B BOB, BOW & Best BBE - Oxford Sunbeam Sleepless In Seattle BOS - Ch. Counterpoint Painted By Bohem (Ch. Bohem Bon Vivant - Counterpoint Winning Colors) Select AOM : Ch. Summit Ironwood Creme Brulee, Ch. Starline's Chanel, Ch. Sporting Fields Tiger Lily Best Puppy - De Kotans Sunday Sermon Best Veteran - Ch. Wildfire's Scouts Honor
Friday Supported Entry:
Judge: James G. Reynolds
WD (from 6-9) - Windborn Oxford New Moon At Krisdan (Ch. Starlines Sovereign - Ch. Oxford Windborn Bold N Beautiful) RWD (from BBE) - Taliesen Moonstruck (Ch. Brushwood Prime Time Endeavor - Taliesen English Muffin) *I think!* WB (from 12-18) - Oxford Sunbeam Sleepless In Seattle (Ch. Starlines Sovereign - Ch. Oxford Tobell Whats In It For Me) RWB (from BBE) - Elidas Elegant Affair (Elidas Coconut Macaroon - Ch. Elidas Wheatland Chardonnay) *I think!* BOB - Ch. Starline's Chanel (Ch. Sunbeam Rembrandt of Endeavor - Ch. Starline's Dream Date). B: Lori & Carey Lawrence & Dianne Bowen. O: Lori & Carey Lawrence